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Data Processing Agreement

Last updated: August 2, 2024

1. Purpose

This Data Processing Addendum forms a part of the service agreement (the “Agreement”) between Sport AI and the Client. Sport AI and the Client have entered into the Agreement for the provision of the Sport AI services. This Data Processing Agreement (hereinafter “DPA”) and its applicable DPA Appendixes apply to the Processing of Personal Data by Parties subject to the Data Protection Laws in order to provide services (“Services”) pursuant to the Agreement between Sport AI and the Client. To provide the Services in accordance with the Agreement, Sport AI processes Personal Data as described in Appendix 1. As part of their contractual relations, the Parties shall undertake to comply with the applicable Data Protection Laws with respect to the processing of Personal Data covered under this DPA.

2. Definitions

“Sport AI Services” means the i) access to the Sport AI Console in order to connect to Sport AI APIs and use our services, which ii) allows the Client to provide URLs pointing to videos to be processed by Sport AI, and provide editing and technical analysis of the videos content.
"Data Protection Laws" means all data protection laws and regulations applicable to a party's processing of Client’s Personal Data under the Agreement, including, where applicable, EU/UK Data Protection Laws, Non-EU Data Protection Laws, and any other applicable data protection laws.
Capitalized terms used in this Addendum shall have the same meaning given to them under the EU GDPR, unless a different meaning is given within the DPA.

3. Contractual documents

This Addendum and its Appendixes constitute the entire Data Processing Agreement between the Parties for the provision of the services pursuant to the Agreement. It replaces all previous agreements relating to its object. Some of the contractual documents may be amended or enriched during the fulfilment of the DPA. In any event, these amendments or enrichments must be covered by an amendment signed by the Parties. No modifications may be made to the DPA and its Appendixes without a document signed by both Parties.

4. Duration of the assignment/notice of termination

The duration of the assignment (term of the DPA) is coextensive with the term of the Agreement. The termination of this DPA therefore depends on the provisions concerning the duration and the termination of the Agreement. Termination of the Agreement shall also have the effect of terminating this DPA. Furthermore, the premature termination of this DPA upon written notice to the other Party shall be permissible in the event of such other Party’s serious breach of statutory or contractual data protection provisions under the Data Protection Laws, insofar as the contracting Party in question cannot reasonably be expected to continue this DPA. The parties acknowledge that the termination of the DPA at any time and for any reason does not exempt them from their obligations under the Data Protection Laws relating to the collection, processing and use of Personal Data.

5. Relationship of the Parties

Sport AI will process the Personal Data as Controller for the purposes to the extent relevant to the Services in order to (a) manage the relationship with Client; (b) administer invoices to the client; (c) administer access to the Sport Ai Services, (d) comply with legal or regulatory obligations; and (e) as otherwise permitted under Data Protection Laws and in accordance with this DPA and the Agreement. The parties acknowledge and agree that each is acting independently as a Controller with respect to Personal Data and the parties are not joint controllers. Sport AI will process the Personal Data in accordance as Controller as set forth in clause 6. Where Sport AI processes the Personal Data in the performance of the Services Sport AI acts as the Client’s Processor only where the Client determines the purpose and means of the processing. In such circumstances, Sport AI will process the Personal Data in accordance with the Client’s instructions, as Controller, to Sport AI, as Processor, as set forth in clause 7.

6. Controller to Controller Clauses

In respect of the Personal Data processed by the Parties acting as a Controller under this Addendum:

  • Each Party will ensure that the persons engaged in the processing of Personal Data are bound by appropriate confidentiality obligations;
  • comply promptly with any lawful request from the other Party requesting access to, copies of, or the amendment, transfer or deletion of the Personal Data to the extent the same is necessary to allow either Party to fulfil its own obligations under the Data Protection Laws;
  • notify the other Party within forty-eight (48) hours if it receives any complaint, notice or communication (whether from a data subject, competent supervisory authority or otherwise) relating to the processing of Personal Data or to either Party’s compliance with Data Protection Laws under this Addendum, and provide the other Party with reasonable cooperation, information and assistance in relation to any such complaint, notice or communication;
  • notify the other Party immediately if it becomes aware of a breach of this clause, in which case the Party in breach shall take any and all steps to remedy such breach;
  • facilitate the handling of any Personal Data Breach, that is likely to result in a risk to the rights and freedoms of natural persons for which the other Party is responsible as soon as reasonably practicable upon becoming aware, which shall include the Party responsible for the breach notifying the relevant supervisory authority, promptly and in any event no later than seventy-two (72) hours after becoming aware of it, as well as the relevant data subjects without undue delay, where required by the Data Protection Laws;
  • provide reasonable assistance in assisting the other Party’s obligations under the Data Protection Laws. Both parties may engage with third parties in connection with the Services and agree to comply with the applicable requirements under Data Protection Laws in relation to third parties. Both parties shall be liable for the acts and omissions of their respective third parties to the same extent such parties would be liable under the terms of this DPA, except as otherwise set forth in the Agreement.

7. Controller to Processor Clauses

In respect of the Personal Data processed by Sport AI as a Processor acting on behalf of the Client under this Addendum, the Processor will:

  • process the Personal Data only on the Client’s written instructions, unless required by law to process it differently (in which case it shall, if permitted by such law, promptly notify the Client of that requirement before processing);
  • process the Personal Data only to the extent, and in such a manner, as is necessary for the purposes of carrying out its obligations under the Agreement;
  • ensure that persons engaged in the processing of Personal Data are bound by appropriate confidentiality obligations;
  • keep a record of the processing it carries out, and ensure the same is accurate;
  • comply promptly with any lawful request from Client requesting access to, copies of, or the amendment, transfer or deletion of the Personal Data to the extent the same is necessary to allow Client to fulfil its own obligations under the Data Protection Laws, including Client’s obligations arising in respect of a request from a data subject;
  • notify Client promptly if it receives any complaint, notice or communication (whether from a data subject, competent supervisory authority or otherwise) relating to the processing, the Personal Data or to either party’s compliance with the Data Protection Laws as it relates to this Addendum, and provide Client with reasonable co-operation, information and other assistance in relation to any such complaint, notice or communication;
  • ensure in each case that, prior to the processing of any Personal Data by any Sub-Processor, the Processor and the Sub-Processor agree to contract on the terms set out in this Data Protection Addendum (“Relevant Terms”). The Processor shall procure the performance of the Relevant Terms by the Sub-Processor and shall be directly liable to Client for any breach by the Sub-Processor of any of the Relevant Terms;
  • only transfer the Personal Data outside of the European Economic Area if it has fulfilled each of the following conditions: (i) it has in place any of the specifically approved safeguards for data transfers (as recognized under the Data Protection Laws) in relation to the transfer; (ii) data subjects continue to have enforceable rights and effective legal remedies following the transfer; (iii) it provides an adequate level of protection to any Personal Data that is transferred (including by way of a European Commission finding of adequacy); and (iv) it complies with reasonable instructions with respect to the transfer;
  • inform Client without undue delay within forty-eight (48) hours after having become aware of a breach if any Personal Data processed under this Addendum is lost or destroyed or becomes damaged, corrupted, or unusable or is otherwise subject to unauthorised or unlawful processing including unauthorised or unlawful access or disclosure (“Personal Data Breach”);
  • promptly provide Client with full cooperation and assistance in respect of the Personal Data Breach and all information in the Processor's possession concerning the Personal Data Breach, including the following: the possible cause and consequences of the Personal Data Breach; the categories of Personal Data and the approximate number of data subjects involved; and the measures taken by the Processor to mitigate any damage;
  • inform Client promptly if it receives a request from a data subject exercising their data subject rights and provide Client with reasonable cooperation and assistance in relation to such request;
  • not disclose the Personal Data to any third party other than at the request of the Client or as otherwise required under the Agreement;
  • provide reasonable assistance to the Client in complying with its obligations under Data Protection Laws with respect to security, breach notifications, data protection impact assessments, and consultations with supervisory authorities or regulators;
  • provide Client with all information that is necessary to enable Client to monitor the Processor's compliance with the Data Protection Laws and its obligations under this Addendum at any time during regular business hours. Sport AI may satisfy Client’s right of audit under the Data Protection Laws in relation to Personal Data, by providing an audit report not older than eighteen (18) months, prepared by an independent external auditor demonstrating that Sport AI’s technical and organisational measures are sufficient and in accordance with an accepted industry audit standard. Sport AI reserves the right to refuse audit requests from an entity that is a competitor of Sport AI.; and
  • delete or return that Personal Data to Client at the end of the duration of the processing, and at that time delete or destroy existing copies. If return or destruction is impracticable or prohibited by law, rule or regulation, Sport AI shall take measures to block such Personal Data from any further processing (except to the extent necessary for processing required by law, rule or regulation) and shall continue to appropriately protect the Personal Data remaining in its possession, custody, or control. Client acknowledges and agrees that Sport AI may (i) engage its Affiliates and Sub-Processors listed in Appendix 4 to this Addendum to access and process Personal Data in connection with the Services and (ii) from time to time engage additional third parties for the purpose of providing the Services, including without limitation the processing of Personal Data. By way of this Addendum, Client provides general written authorization to Sport AI to engage Sub-Processors as necessary to perform the Services.
  • A list of Sport AI’s current Sub-Processors (the “List”) will be made available to Client, through a link provided by Sport AI, via email, or through other means made available to the Client. Such a List may be updated by Sport AI from time to time. Sport AI provides a mechanism to subscribe to notifications of new Sub-Processors and Client agrees to subscribe to such notifications where available. At least ten (10) days before enabling any third party other than existing Sub-Processors to access or participate in the processing of Personal Data, Sport AI will add such third parties to the List and notify Client. The Client may object to such an engagement by informing Sport AI within ten (10) days of receipt of the aforementioned notice by Sport AI, provided such objection is in writing and based on reasonable grounds relating to data protection. Client acknowledges that certain Sub-Processors are essential to providing the Services and that objecting to the use of a Sub-Processor may prevent Sport AI from offering the Services to Client.
  • If Client reasonably objects to an engagement in accordance with Section 7, and Sport AI cannot provide a commercially reasonable alternative within a reasonable period of time, Client may discontinue the use of the affected Service by providing written notice to Sport AI. Discontinuation shall not relieve Client of any fees owed to Sport AI under the Agreement.
  • If Client does not object to the engagement of a third party in accordance with Section 7 within ten (10) days of notice by Sport AI, that third party will be deemed a Client approved Sub-Processor for the purposes of this Addendum. Sport AI will enter into a written agreement with the Sub-Processor imposing on the Sub-Processor data protection obligations comparable to those imposed on Sport AI under this Addendum with respect to the protection of Personal Data. In case a Sub-Processor fails to fulfill its data protection obligations under such written agreement with Sport AI, Sport AI will remain liable to Client for the performance of the Sub-Processor’s obligations under such agreement.

8. Technical and organisational measures

Sport AI shall take suitable technical and organisational measures appropriate to the risk to ensure for protection of the security, confidentiality and integrity of Personal Data it Processes under this DPA. Sport AI guarantees that it has carried out the technical and organisational measures specified in Appendix 2 to this DPA. The technical and organisational measures are subject to the current state of technology and technical progress. In this regard, Sport AI is permitted to implement adequate alternative measures, provided that these measures may not provide a lower level of security to the Client data than the stipulated measures in Appendix 2 to this DPA.

9. Liability

This DPA is without prejudice to the rights and obligations of the Parties under the Agreement which shall continue to have full force and effect, including any limitations and exclusions on liability contained therein which shall apply to this DPA as if fully set forth herein.

10. Final Provisions

If individual provisions of this DPA should be or become ineffective, this shall not affect its remaining provisions. The Parties undertake to replace the ineffective provisions with a legally valid provision that comes closest to the purpose of the ineffective provisions. In the event of contradictions between this DPA and any other agreements between the Parties, especially the Agreement, the provisions of this DPA shall take precedence. Ancillary agreements, amendments, and additions to this DPA must be made in writing. This also applies to the amendment of this requirement for written form.

Appendix 1: Personal data

Personal Data Sport AI processes as Controller (Sport AI Console)

Categories of data subjects

The personal data transferred concern the following categories of data subjects: The Client’s representatives and Client's Authorized users.

Categories of personal data

The personal data transferred concern the following categories of data:

  • Contact information: full name, e-mail addresses, phone numbers, and other ways in which Sport AI can contact the data subject
  • Communications: any communication Client has with Sport AI, like emails and phone calls
  • Information regarding the usage of the Sport AI Services, like login information via Google Account, payment transactions and technical connection data (IP address, location, logs, etc.)


Sensitive Categories

No sensitive categories of personal data will be transferred as part of the applicable services.

Processing operations

The personal data transferred will be processed in accordance with the Agreement and may be subject to the following processing activities:

  • Storage and other processing necessary to provide, maintain, and update the Sport AI Services provided to the Client
  • To provide technical support to the Client
  • To administer invoicing and process payment
  • Disclosures in accordance with the Agreement, as compelled by law


Duration of processing

Sport AI will process personal data as a controller for as long as needed to provide the Sport AI Services under the Agreement or as required by law.

Personal Data Sport AI processes as Processor (Sport AI Technical Analysis)

Categories of data subjects

The personal data transferred concern the following categories of data subjects: The individuals in each video uploaded to Sport AI for analysis.

Categories of personal data

The personal data transferred concern the following categories of data:

  • Metadata that identify the location and timestamp of the videos
  • Video recording of the individuals, their movements, and metrics that are relevant for technical analysis such as height and length of the individual and their limbs, body structure, posture, and similar data.


Sensitive Categories

The personal data transferred concern the following special categories of data: None.

Processing operations

The personal data transferred will be processed in accordance with the Agreement and may be subject to the following processing activities:

  • Metadata will be scrubbed as the initial part of processing the videos
  • Individuals in the video found to not be an intended part of the recording, outside the courts will be blurred
  • The video recording, movements of the individual, body, posture and similar data will be analysed with the purpose of providing a technical analysis of the player only


Duration of processing

Sport AI will process personal data as a processor for the duration outlined in clause 7 of this DPA.

Appendix 2: Technical and Organisational Measures

Sport AI has implemented comprehensive organisational and technological measures to ensure the safety of personal data as well as undisturbed operation in an optimal manner.

Admission control

Measures to prevent unauthorised persons from gaining access to the data processing equipment used to process personal data.

  • Access control guidelines and regulations
  • Access only for authorised persons (company employees and external persons)
  • External staff is accompanied by Sport AI staff


Access control

Measures and procedures to prevent unauthorised persons from using the data processing equipment.

  • Regulation of user authorizations (administration incl. assignment of rights, assignment of special rights, revocation of authorizations, regular reviews).
  • Password policy (secure passwords, regular changes, regular reviews).


Access monitoring

Measures to ensure that those authorised for data processing can only access the personal data subject to their access authorization.

  • Control of access authorization (differentiated authorizations via profiles, roles, time limit)
  • Provision of appropriate authentication technologies
  • Security Logs (ex: unsuccessful and successful authentication attempts).
  • Guidelines for the pseudonymization/anonymization of personal data


Transfer control

Measures to ensure that personal data cannot be read, copied, altered or removed without authorisation during electronic transmission, transport or storage on data carriers.

  • Guidelines for the exchange of information of all kinds
  • Encryption during data transmission and at rest (network encryption, TLS)
  • Logging during the transmission of data
  • Method for detecting and protecting malware
  • Access Control
  • Controlled destruction of data


Input control

Measures to ensure authenticated entry of personal data.

  • Access control
  • Data security policy
  • Process, program and workflow organisation


Order control

Measures to ensure that personal data is processed within the boundaries and conditions as set out in this DPA.

  • Contract in writing with determination of the data protection agreements
  • Formalised order placement
  • Careful selection of the subcontractor
  • Monitoring the proper execution of the contract
  • Separation of duty


Availability control

Measures to ensure that personal data is protected against accidental destruction or loss.

  • Controlled process to ensure business operations (BCM)/IT-SCM
  • Contingency plans
  • Regular back-ups according to a backup plan
  • Protection of systems against database failure, service level agreements with IT service providers
  • Antivirus/Firewall
  • Redundant hardware


Separation control

Measures to ensure that data collected for different purposes can be processed separately.

  • Client separation
  • Functional separations


Procedures for periodic review and evaluation

Procedures for regular review, evaluation and evaluation of the effectiveness of technical and organisational measures.

  • Data Protection Management
  • Incident response management


Appendix 3: Contact details of the parties

Authorised representatives of the parties on data protection matters

Sport AI’s Data Protection Officer
Name: Felipe Longé

Appendix 4: Subprocessors

Subprocessors for Sport AI Console

  • Google LLC or its affiliates, US, Google Analytics
  • Vercel Inc, US, Hosting and Infrastructure
  • Clerk Inc, US, Infrastructure

Subprocessors for Sport AI Technical Analysis

  • Amazon Web Services (“AWS), US, Hosting and Infrastructure